8 ways technology is changing the shopping experience

8 ways technology is changing the shopping experience

8 Ways Technology Is Changing The Shopping Experience

8 Ways Technology Is Changing The Shopping Experience

8 Ways Technology Is Changing The Shopping Experience

Our shopping habits have changed a lot in the past decade. Shopping has now moved from department stores or shopping malls to online. Many big companies are now trying to attract the attention of customers online.

One of the biggest contributors to this change in the shopping experience of consumers is the widespread use of technology. With the use of technology, as retail companies are reaching customers easily, customers are also able to choose products of their choice.

Let's take a look at 8 ways technology is changing our shopping experience one by one.

1. Data Collection

One of the biggest uses of technology in the retail industry is the collection of customer information or data across organizations. Organizations collect data from us in such innovative ways that many times we don't even notice. Everything from retargeting ads for items in our shopping cart to pop-up ads for products on social media is made possible by data. Data is a very expensive commodity these days. By using data, brands are finding customers who are most likely to buy the product.

2. Interactive Dressing Room

Those who use dressing rooms when shopping know that the experience is often not a good one. Therefore, to improve the dressing room experience, many organizations in the international arena have introduced interactive dressing rooms. Customers can set this dressing room mirror to their desired position and dim the lighting. A sales associate can be called to bring another size dress from the dressing room. You can even tag the trial clothes in your personal profile for future purchase.

3. Visual Search

Many times we like a dress online but can't find it later because we don't know the brand name. Then it is assumed that searching by typing keywords in Google is useless without wasting time. With the advent of visual search, things have become quite simple.

Many brands from different countries have made it easier for customers to find products by facilitating visual search.

4. Automated Checkout

With Self Checkout Kiosk, the customer can now scan the product, fill the bag and checkout without the help of a sales person. Such contactless checkout systems have been adopted by many international brands during the Covid era and will increase in use in the future.

5. Recommendation Engine

Have you ever added a product to your shopping cart and then saw an ad for the same product appearing on your mobile screen? This is because brands are now using recommendation engine technology.

Websites provide your data to brands using your online search history, previous purchase history or cookies. This is how the recommendation engine shows you the advertisement of the prescribed product.

6. Automated Orders

As online shopping continues to grow, so does the demand for faster and safer automated ordering solutions. Many companies are using robots for this purpose. After the robots collect the product from the warehouse, it is packaged and ready for shipping. Robots are used in this work because they can complete the work efficiently in a very short time. They can perform tasks like finding products from specific shelves or stacking products very efficiently. By using robots, various organizations can significantly reduce their costs in the long run.

7. Mobile Store Navigation

Even if you don't have time, finding a very necessary item from the entire shopping mall is often a hassle. Considering such situation, many retail companies are launching mobile apps. With the help of these apps, 'in-store navigation' can be done. In this, if the customer searches by writing the name of the product in the mobile app, all the information about the number of the section of the store will come to the app.

8. Augmented Reality

Augmented reality is currently being incorporated into various areas of shopping, such as interactive dressing rooms. Many organizations are becoming interested in this new technology. Because by doing this their customers are able to give the product trial with much less hassle. Overall, customers are accepting this new experience positively and thereby increasing customer confidence in the organization.

Shopping, Shopper, CityTouch, 

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